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Protection of environment essay

Protection of environment essay

protection of environment essay

Jun 21,  · IELTS essay writing ideas, and possible IELTS essay topics with sample answers for each type are mentioned below. Please note that these essay topics are latest and have appeared in the recent actual tests. 1. Opinion Essay. An opinion essay is an essay in which you have to explain the topic based on the opinion that you have regarding Consumer protection is the practice of safeguarding buyers of goods and services, and the public, against unfair practices in the blogger.comer protection measures are often established by law. Such laws are intended to prevent businesses from engaging in fraud or specified unfair practices in order to gain an advantage over competitors or to mislead consumers Apr 02,  · Changing old habits will be good for both the environment and your wallet! 8. Avoid Taking Cars or Carpool When Possible Cars are harmful to the environment. Taking public transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are better options that help the environment and your budget, as well as getting some exercise in!

Essay on Waste Management: 7 Selected Essays on Waste Management

The activities involved in order to dispose off waste to its final disposal are what we call waste management. Generation of waste is an important step of almost every industrial activity and in fact, a considerable amount of waste is generated from our homes every day.

However, how we dispose it off is something which has larger concerns. The students must educate themselves on the significance of waste management and the technologies available today in order to do it effectively, protection of environment essay. Hence we have prepared some long essays for students which shall not prove to be informative but shall be helpful for students irrespective of their classes for their examinations as well.

Contents List of Essay on Waste Management in English Essay on Waste Management — Essay 1 Words Essay on Waste Management: With Concepts — Essay 2 Words Essay on Waste Management: Significance and Protection of environment essay — Essay 3 Words Essay on Waste Management: With Methods and Conclusion — Essay 4 Words Essay on Waste Management: Introduction, Methods and Importance — Essay 5 Words Essay on Waste Management: With Advantages and Disadvantages — Essay 6 Words Essay on Waste Management in India — Essay 7 Words.

Due to impacts of environmental pollution, people have been more cautious on waste disposal. Waste management involves processes of collection, transportation and disposal of wastes. Depending protection of environment essay the different types and nature of wastes, their management differs. Wastes are classified into different types based on the physical appearance.

Liquid wastes are liquid in nature, solid wastes are solid and protection of environment essay wastes are organic in nature. Waste management for liquid wastes is different from solid and organic wastes.

Wastes are also classified based on the degree of harm like hospital wastes are classified as infectious, highly infectious and general wastes. Waste management begins from the point of collection. Protection of environment essay is necessary to segregate wastes from the point of collection so that the process becomes easier.

The transportation of wastes is the next step and it is different for liquid, solid, organic, protection of environment essay, hazardous and infectious wastes. Disposal of wastes is the final step in waste management whereby incineration, burying, recycling and treatment of wastes is done, protection of environment essay. Waste management is aimed at protection of the environment and to enhance the safety of surrounding environment for humans and animals.

Hazardous wastes are disposed far from reach of humans and animals to prevent harm. Environmental pollution is a major public health issue that is prevented by proper waste management because fewer wastes end up in the environment. Recycling protection of environment essay a waste management process enables saving of resources and prevention of accumulation of wastes.

Waste management in an efficient way is a necessary step to be taken in this developing world. With all the growth in hands, improper disposal of waste and carelessness have created many forms of consequences and inconveniences among us.

Waste management means the proper processing and management of different types of wastes, from the time it is disposed of. Wastes that are produced by human activities are nowadays disposed irresponsibly on roadsides, unused lands, etc. Lack of proper treatment of such wastes creates many problems like a bad odor, harmful disease-causing germs spread all over the place and more.

Most commonly domestic wastes are being thrown like this by the people. Waste management starts with the collection of waste from the source itself. Transportation of such collected waste is another important factor. Once the waste is carefully transported to appropriate places suitable for disposal, then comes the processing and proper disposal stage of waste management.

However, protection of environment essay, there are many other important aspects of waste management. Reducing the production of waste by controlling excess use of products, and also by the reduction of sources while the product is manufactured, protection of environment essay, will help in the waste management.

Use more eco-friendly items so that they can be disposed of easily without polluting our environment. Reuse is another concept of waste management in which the product instead of being disposed of should be reused in a more creative way. Waste management also means using protection of environment essay product till it completely becomes unusable to avoid excess waste disposal. Recycle is the concept of converting the waste into the raw material so that they can be used again for the manufacturing process.

This method of waste management will reduce the cost of production, pollution and will be of better quality.

Production of unwanted materials should be reduced to help in creating a better waste management hierarchy. We humans should be more careful in using and disposing of products after its use.

Waste Protection of environment essay is the systematic collection of wastes and its disposal. It includes proper recycling of collected wastes and generation of renewable protection of environment essay from it. Waste management is the recent initiative taken by countries at local, national and international levels to care about planet earth. It is the responsible act to provide good environment for the present and future generations.

In human history, waste management has become necessary after inventions and industrializations. Prior to industrialization, simple burying was sufficient to handle wastes, as they were mostly biodegradable. But with industrialization and increase in population along with the indulgence for recreation, more than manageable wastes are protection of environment essay produced day by day. Since, these wastes pose serious threat to health and environment, waste management has become one of the priority issues of the century.

Solid, liquid, and organic wastes are produced protection of environment essay from homes to business establishments and industries. Each type of waste originated from these sources has different methods to systematically collect, transport, treat and properly dispose without affecting the environment, protection of environment essay.

Apart from common wastes, there are also hazardous wastes that require special treatment. Hence, waste protection of environment essay plays an protection of environment essay role in the society to effectively handle these wastes. These are collected from door to door and segregated before disposal to landfills. The biodegradable organic wastes are composted and reused as manure. The non-biodegradable wastes like rigid protection of environment essay containers, glass, tin and aluminium metal cans are recycled for new use.

The use of non-recyclable plastic bags and polystyrene foams cups have been reduced in the recent days and even banned by some local Governments. Electronic and other hazardous wastes require proper disposal through vendors, protection of environment essay, who specialize in their recycle process.

Apart from protection of environment essay common wastes listed out under the residential category, business houses generate additional waste specific to their industries. They include construction debris, pesticides, automotive parts, electronics, pharmaceutical and medical wastes, etc.

Relevant waste management techniques are included as part of their processes to sustain the environment. The challenges of waste management are higher for oil and gas, refineries and petrochemical industries, etc. Starting from construction of pipelines or production facilities to the end-dumps of processes, the challenges faced by them are manifold, protection of environment essay.

Proper collection and disposal methods are introduced at every level for efficient waste management. These methods form part of their daily routine and are monitored by local authorities. The best waste management tagline propagated the world over is 3Rs namely — Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

At the first level, protection of environment essay, waste management would be effective if all individuals, corporates and industries take care to reduce their use of things. Secondly, if everyone could creatively find means to reuse the things that would contribute significantly to the waste management efforts. The final and important emphasis is on use of recyclable things, so that they do not end in landfills. Incineration of landfills, as a method of waste management, should be the last resort, as they cause air pollution.

The Governments and Stakeholders in developed and developing countries have seriously taken up the cause of creating awareness on waste management. Through various media, the message is communicated to reach the communities. Stringent measures are also taken up by them against defaulters in businesses and industries, protection of environment essay.

At a personal level, we need to be motivated to care for waste management in every activity of our daily living. This consciousness is required to guarantee the success of ambitious goals set by stakeholders.

The complete procedure of controlling, protection of environment essay, handling, storage, transporting, reprocessing and discarding of industrial, human and environmental waste is known as waste management. Waste management is a worldwide subject; however, its consequences are more noticeable in emerging nations. Solid waste management that is a quite huge task is becoming more complex with growth in overpopulation, suburbanization, social and economic growth, commercialization, etc.

Official insubstantiality, economic limits and public approach in the direction of waste management has converted the problem into the worse.

Under this method of waste management, public solid wastes get buried for converting them into heat, residue, steam, ash, and gases. Discarding garbage and waste inside the landfills is one of the most known methods of waste management. Under this method, the problems like dangers and odor of the garbage are eradicated. The compost is buried on the locations of the landfill.

Today the landfills are also considered as the reason for global warming and that is the reason that numerous nations are thinking again about the use of landfills. Composting is a process of bio-degradation of waste management in which the organic waste i. This technique is utilized for organic-agriculture which also increases the productiveness of the soil, protection of environment essay.

In this method of waste management, the waste items are reprocessed for using again. The waste things are reprocessed for taking out the resources or transforming into energies like heat, electricity, fuel. Anaerobic digestion is the method of waste management which decays biological materials with the help of organic procedures.

It utilizes the germs-free surroundings and oxygen for decaying. Composting needs air to help in the development of bacteria. It is the simplest way of waste management that helps in creating less amount of waste. The declination of waste can be performed by anybody by decreasing the waste formation and reprocessing and recycling the old resources. The usage of ecological products and decreasing the usage of paper, protection of environment essay, plastic, etc.

The public contribution has a straight influence on the system of waste management. Under this procedure of waste management, non-biodegradable wastage is transformed into the sources of energy like fuel, heat, or electricity. All of these are renewable energy sources since the non-biodegradable wastage might be utilized for creating energy repeatedly. These two techniques of waste management are utilized for decomposing the organic leftover materials by divulging it to little quantity of oxygen and elevated the temperature.

There is no usage of oxygen in the procedure of pyrolysis and a very small amount of oxygen is utilized in the procedure of gasification. The organizations that are working for the environment have created numerous methods that deal in waste management.

The usage of new innovative technologies for handling and disposing of solid waste also helps in the direction of waste management.

Essay writing, Conservation of

, time: 23:51

IELTS Writing Task 2 : IELTS Essay Types, Topics and Questions

protection of environment essay

Essay on Waste Management: Introduction, Methods and Importance – Essay 5 ( Words) Introduction: Waste Management is arising as a major problem in almost all countries. In order to have a healthy life and a clean environment, managing of waste materials is very important. Imparting knowledge on waste management is the need of the hour Jun 15,  · An extended essay of saving an environment of words has been provided, and short speech on words has been given. So you have to aware of environmental protection. Some factors, such as deforestation, population growth, and illiteracy, are factors responsible for Consumer protection is the practice of safeguarding buyers of goods and services, and the public, against unfair practices in the blogger.comer protection measures are often established by law. Such laws are intended to prevent businesses from engaging in fraud or specified unfair practices in order to gain an advantage over competitors or to mislead consumers

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