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Comparative politics essay topics

Comparative politics essay topics

comparative politics essay topics

Dec 27,  · View and download comparative politics essays examples. Also discover topics, titles, outlines, thesis statements, and conclusions for your comparative politics essay This collection of greater than a hundred political science essay subjects and instance essays on political science highlights the most essential topics, troubles, questions, and debates that any pupil of the sphere ought to have mastered for effectiveness. Comparative Constitutional Systems. Comparative Economic Systems. Comparative Electoral Systems Through the papers and introduction, students will rehearse relative governmental issues and consider its status as a field of request. The course investigates inside and out key institutional setups in vote based systems and tyrant regimes. Extraordinary consideration is paid to the similar performance of political frameworks. Learning Outcomes: Before the finish of the course students are relied upon to comprehend the institutional and social embeddedness of political

15 Comparative Politics Research Paper Topics |

Although structural functionalism finds its roots much earlier than systems does theory, as researchers use it today, it is based on systems theory. Structural functionalism traces its beginnings back to the ancient Greeks and the writings of Aristotle. Systems theory emerged much later. Although the discussion of systems began with biologists in the 19th century, systems theory was not fully articulated until the s.

Ludwig von Bertalanffy, who developed general systems theory, was a principal in establishing it as a field of study. Although systems theory originated later comparative politics essay topics functionalism, when researchers study functions within their structures, they do it within the scope of systems. The study of political systems came into its own with the adoption of a structural- functional approach.

The systems approach of David Easton and Karl W. Easton and Deutsch followed a communication, or cybernetic, model to study politics. Gabriel A. While Easton and Deutsch adopted a purely systems approach, Almond applied structural functionalism to systems theory. Both have value in the study of political systems. See Systems Theory and Structural Functionalism Research Paper, comparative politics essay topics.

Although we should be careful not to idealize democracy with all its imperfections— and indeed Samuel Huntington would remind us that political order matters more—many agree that democracy in some form is preferable to the wide array of nondemocratic systems of government. Modernization refers to economic development and the transformation from agricultural to industrial societies, along with corresponding social and cultural shifts although the use of terms such as modern and primitive has been criticized as inappropriately stereotyping certain cultures from a Western perspective.

The central question of how economic conditions are linked with the emergence of democracy or dictatorship has been a topic of interest from the time of ancient scholars through contemporary political science. See Political Development and Modernization Research Paper.

Prior to World War II, scholarship in comparative politics focused mainly on the study of institutions in western European countries, and formal theories examined the workings of the state in detail. At that time, the state was viewed as an autonomous entity comparative politics essay topics a large degree of power on its own.

Society and its impact on the state seemed somewhat unimportant. The behavioral revolution of the s and s, on the other hand, altered the focus of political inquiry completely.

With the rise of the society centeredness approach, individual and group behavior assumed primacy of analysis, and political scientists retreated to a large extent from the study of the state. Indeed, scholarship of this time portrayed the state as a black box without having its own interests and being merely an arena where behavioral games of various groups and individuals were acted out.

See Statism Research Paper. What explains the divergent development trajectories of different countries and societies? Why has the developing world failed to close the gap with the industrialized countries? This research paper reviews the literature by scholars in the Marxist tradition that addresses these and other questions of development, beginning with the writings of Karl Marx, continuing through the work of Vladimir Lenin, and ending with the more recent work of the dependency theorists.

This literature is vast. And like the writings of Marx himself, there are often competing or even opposing theoretical arguments comparative politics essay topics scholars considered part of this tradition.

Taken together, this literature forms an enduring theoretical counterpoint to the liberal economic theory that has informed generations of policymakers from both developed and developing countries. Marxist, neo-Marxist, and dependency explanations of development differ from traditional liberal economics in the importance of noneconomic factors for explaining development, comparative politics essay topics. Liberal economists emphasize that countries can best promote development by limiting social and political concerns from policy making and by integrating their national economies into the global market.

See Dependency and Development Research Paper. Since the end of World War II, there have been 5 times as many civil wars as interstate wars and at least 5 times as many deaths due to civil wars as due to interstate wars. For various reasons, the relative peace among the members of the state system did not seem to elicit a similar effect within the members of the state system during the six decades after World War II.

It comparative politics essay topics perhaps not surprising then that scholarly literature on civil wars has grown substantially—and substantively—in the 21st century. Scholars ostensibly accept that civil wars are social phenomena distinct from interstate wars, which implies comparative politics essay topics civil wars likely have causes, comparative politics essay topics, correlates, and outcomes that are substantively different from the causes, correlates, and outcomes of interstate wars.

This research paper discusses the major theoretical contributions and controversies related to the civil war research program. First, civil wars are defined conceptually, then operationally. Second, major theories focusing on the causes of civil wars are discussed, along with future directions and policy implications. The paper ends with a summary and a brief note on the current state of civil war research. While the discussions herein are by no means exhaustive, they tend to focus on the most notable civil war theories at this time.

See Civil War Research Paper. Since September 11,considerable attention has been devoted to the study of terrorism, yet scholarly analysis of the subject has actually been active for several decades, comparative politics essay topics. With this increased focus, confusion has arisen as to the very meaning of terrorism.

In addition, there are competing theories in regard to the causes and effects of terrorism, with contributions coming from economists, sociologists, psychologists, and political scientists. The study of terrorism is truly a multidisciplinary endeavor. This research paper provides a review of the debate regarding the definition of terrorism, presents historical examples of terrorism to provide context, and introduces the primary theoretical and empirical contributions of major scholars in the field.

See Terrorism Research Paper. In many countries, coups are a regular and even frequent source of regime change. Coups can be observed nearly every year all around the world, comparative politics essay topics, and there is a large and diverse body of coups, successful and unsuccessful, for scholars to study.

Yet fundamental questions comparative politics essay topics coups persist. In a revolution, we can observe mass social movements of people seeking change.

In legal regime changes, whether hereditary or democratic, we can observe a process that is frequently clear and usually public that guides the transition of power from one government to the next. This is problematic for both scholars and political leaders. Scholars want to understand coups in order to grasp the overall picture of regime change in international politics. Political leaders need to understand coups as they are likely to encounter this sudden and unpredictable change in government, possibly even their own.

See Political and Military Coups Research Paper. The popular press is rife with economists, ecologists, and religious doomsayers seeking to explain, predict, and profit from the problem of resource scarcity and its twin, resource allocation.

Closely following are an increasing number of scholarly forays in economics, anthropology, geography, and political science. Therein, he in part argues that given finite resources, comparative politics essay topics, and an infinitely expanding population, political, social, and spiritual turmoil is inevitable. The flurry of activity the publication of that essay created has been ever present, comparative politics essay topics, so that subsequent generations of popular writers e.

Thus by the late s, socialist theorists were able to exploit Malthusian ideas as a means of broadcasting the desirability or, following Marx, the inevitability of democratic equality, comparative politics essay topics.

See Resource Scarcity and Political Conflict Research Paper. Ethnic conflict is one of the major threats to international peace and security. The destabilization of provinces, states, and in some cases even whole regions are common consequences of ethnic violence.

Ethnic conflicts are often accompanied by gross human rights violations such as comparative politics essay topics and crimes against humanity, economic decline, state failure, environmental problems, and refugee flows. Violent ethnic conflict leads to tremendous human suffering. Despite the fact that the number of conflicts has comparative politics essay topics over the past decades, ethnic turmoil remains one of the main sources of warfare and instability in major regions of the world.

Between andnearly ethnic groups were involved in violent conflicts. During the s, about three quarters of conflicts were disputes between politically organized ethnic groups and governments. See Ethnic Conflict Research Comparative politics essay topics. Political parties and party systems are of comparative politics essay topics to the scholar of comparative politics because they are constantly in flux.

A common understanding of the political party, according to Leon D. Party systems can have as few as one major political party, or may have many political parties.

Elections are the venue in which competition for government office takes place. Elections bring changes in the policies advocated by parties, the seats held by political parties, and of course the composition of government. It is important to note that political parties do not make changes in a vacuum; change often comes in anticipation of, or in reaction to, changes that other political parties in the system make.

This makes the party system a system of interaction between political parties. See Political Parties Research Paper. Elections are central to the functioning of democratic systems, and as such they have been the focus of extensive political science research for centuries. Scholars and practitioners seek to understand the variation in choices of different electoral systems cross-nationally. They also try to isolate the impact of those choices on a range of individual- institutional- and system-level outcomes.

Those outcomes include the quality and breadth of representation; size and polarization of political party systems; citizen participation and voting behavior; and government, as well as system, stability. Much of the research conducted on electoral systems and elections has evolved from theoretical and empirical work on the United States and other established Western democracies especially those in Europebut considerable effort in recent decades has been devoted to understanding elections in transitioning and new democracies globally.

Although elections do take place in nondemocratic polities, they usually fail to be free, fair, or competitive and therefore typically fall outside the domain of comparative research. What is clear is that the increasing sophistication of theoretical and statistical tools available to political scientists along with an expanding universe of cases against which to test expectations has resulted in important advances in our understanding electoral systems and elections. Because electoral processes and outcomes exert such profound effects on the real world of politics, such understanding is an example of the crucial connection between theory and practice in political science.

See Comparative Electoral Systems Research Paper. One of the classic challenges of political organization is the territorial or spatial division of power. Just as constitutional engineers, politicians, and philosophers have struggled over the concentration or separation of horizontal e. Indeed, understanding the contemporary nation-state demands that political scientists make sense of the centrifugal pressures of decentralization that coexist alongside centralizing trends of integration and unification.

Scholars have generally classified approaches to the geographic dispersion of governmental authority by grouping states comparative politics essay topics unitary, comparative politics essay topics, federal, and confederal types. Research on the different system types has evolved from early work on nation building and pacification of comparative politics essay topics tensions to contemporary efforts to explain differences in the quality of representation, in the durability of alternative models, and in the adaptability of structural designs to the changing demands of global interdependence.

See Federalism, Confederalism, and Unitary Systems Research Paper. Whether a country employs a presidential or parliamentary regime is an incredibly meaningful distinction. Numerous studies have shown that presidential systems result in more open trade policies and greater particularistic spending i.

In addition, and perhaps more important, researchers have argued that presidential regimes were prone to conflict and, in some cases, democratic collapse Linz, a, More recent work has gone even further to help us understand the nuances of regime type.

Comparative Politics - Theories of Authoritarianism

, time: 52:53

Political Science Research Paper Topics: Comparative Politics - EssayEmpire

comparative politics essay topics

Dec 27,  · View and download comparative politics essays examples. Also discover topics, titles, outlines, thesis statements, and conclusions for your comparative politics essay Dec 27,  · In this blog post, we will focus on helping you find the best comparative essay topics possible with minimal effort. In fact, we will provide 81 topics for you to choose from. Of course, you can change these best topics as you like. And yes, the topics are free for you to use as you desire. We are here to help college students with their Through the papers and introduction, students will rehearse relative governmental issues and consider its status as a field of request. The course investigates inside and out key institutional setups in vote based systems and tyrant regimes. Extraordinary consideration is paid to the similar performance of political frameworks. Learning Outcomes: Before the finish of the course students are relied upon to comprehend the institutional and social embeddedness of political

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