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Have you considered doing some community service work during high school but can't find anything that fits your interests? Do you want to have more ownership over what kind of service work you do? If so, then making your own community service project may be the right idea for you. Read on for a step-by-step guide that will tell you everything you need to know to complete a successful community service project.
Community service work can be a great way to spend some free time in high school, but did you also know that it can also be a big help when you apply to colleges? Colleges like seeing community service work as an extracurricular activity because it shows that you are actively involved in something that will better yourself and the world. By doing community service, you show that you have a real interest in making a positive change in your community.
Community service shows admissions officers that you have a number of the "intangible" qualities that they're looking for in students. For example, through service work, you can show your ability to balance a lot of different activities at once while also maintaining your course load.
This shows that you can stay organized and take initiative. Finally, community service can help with some of the more concrete aspects of your college applications as well. The work you do can be great subject material for an application essay, can lead to good letters of recommendation, and — perhaps most importantly — can lead to scholarships! For more benefits of doing community service, see our guide.
If you're ready to start doing some community service work, you may want to consider starting your own community service project. Usually, students will choose to volunteer their time for a pre-established organization. However, creating your own community service project gives you the opportunity to have greater control over what you want to work on and what you want to achieve.
Community service projects are different from traditional community service work because they are usually focused around one event or one goal and have distinct end points. For example, you may decide to host a race to raise money and awareness for a certain disease, or you could plan a blood drive to help out after a disaster, community service project proposal essay.
These kinds of projects require a lot of planning and careful execution, so they're best attempted by students who have confidence in their ability to follow through in those areas.
Though planning community service projects can be considerably more difficult than traditional community service work, it can also pay off in big ways, especially when considering your college applications:. Now that you know some of the reasons for community service project proposal essay the effort to do a community service project let's go through the steps of successfully planning a project.
There are many ways to do this. Start out by asking your friends and family members if there are things that they have seen that need a solution. Talk to neighbors. Engage in a community discussion board such as Nextdoor. Talk to community officials local government and police officers, and speak with non-profit groups in the area. Once you have an idea of community service project proposal essay issues present in your area, community service project proposal essay, spend some time researching them.
What is the history of the issue? Is it a new thing or has it been around a long time? What realistic steps can be taken to address it? What, if anything, have other groups done in the past to fix the issue? What projects were successful? What sort of activities had nobody show up? You can do this by talking to your local city government or local non-profit groups that have held events.
You may also know from personal experience of events that you have attended. Which were the most engaging and resonated with your community? It's time to start asking yourself the tough, specific questions, community service project proposal essay. Remember to be honest and realistic as you answer them:, community service project proposal essay.
List your activity ideas. If you have a group of people you're going to work with, allow them to help you rank the ideas from most to least important. Vote on or decide which activity you want to do. Make sure it is reasonable, within your means, and that you can actually make an impact. Be honest with yourself and your group when assessing how to make the most impact.
For example, imagine that you have decided to build a home for a homeless community service project proposal essay. Would the experience of building the home yourselves add any value community service project proposal essay the homeless family? On the flip side, could it cause any harm? Would it be more efficient and beneficial for the family if you simply raised the money for the home and allowed professionals to do the community service project proposal essay Be realistic with your expectations and honest about the best way to reach your end goal.
To start, write down exactly what you are hoping to accomplish. This will include a big-picture goal as well as the specific smaller tasks that you will need to do in order to get to that main goal. You also need to go into the practicalities of the project. How much equipment will you need? How many people will you need community service project proposal essay successfully complete each part of the project? How much time can each person commit to the project? How will you organize different volunteers?
Remember that you're responsible for the success of the project and one large part of that is that it takes place safely and legally. Do some background work to check out your liabilities and research the potential complications that can arise from the project you're planning. You can advertise in local newspapers, online forums, or websites like VolunteerMatch.
For each person, make sure that you have their contact information email and phone numberas well as what areas they are best able to help in making food, publicity, etc. Get specific time commitments from your members. How much time can they contribute every week? How much time can they contribute on the day of the event? Now that you know your goals, you have to get specific with how much money is going to be needed to make your plan come to life.
There are several programs out there that can help you make organized, detailed budgets. You can community service project proposal essay do this in Excel or Word. Make sure you list the type of items that you need — be specific!
How many will you need of each item? What is the cost per item? What is the total cost? If you need a license to have an event or if you are going to pay someone to make an appearance, that will need to be factored into the budget as well. Finally, be sure to consider practical needs, like the cost of transportation and food on the day of the event for your volunteers, community service project proposal essay.
Pick an end date for your project that will give you enough time to put it together. Make sure that the date is approved by all necessary authorities. Make specific schedules for each of your volunteers based on how much time each can contribute. Try to be realistic with your expectations of what can be accomplished every hour.
Mark specific goals on your timeline. By a certain date, a certain amount of the project should be completed, etc. Make note of specific things that are critical to success. What are the dates of fundraising events? When will you community service project proposal essay press releases to the media? There are a number of ways to raise money: street collection, organized events like raffles or an auction, direct mail donations, community service project proposal essay, asking for contributions through church newsletters, community service project proposal essay, and more.
Increasingly, community service project proposal essay, people are raising money through crowdfunding websites, such as GoFundMe, community service project proposal essay, CrowdRise, DonorsChoose, or Kickstarter.
See if any of these are viable options for your plan. You can also contact local businesses for sponsorship. Offer them some sort of advertisement in return. Whatever you choose to do, community service project proposal essay, you will need to develop a strategy. Decide what your plan of attack will be to raise the amount needed. Make a list of contacts at TV stations, newspapers, blogs, magazines, and radio stations. You are generally looking for journalists and editors. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with people who might be interested in covering your story.
Start by looking for journalists who have written about similar causes or events in the past. You may be able to find an email address or other contact information by looking at previously-published articles. You should also check local papers to see if there is information about whom to contact for local stories. Finally, you can search websites such as LinkedIn, much of which can be accessed even if you don't have an account.
Initial contact can be made through social media such as Twitteror you can try to call or email the right people. You'll want to talk with them both about the specifics of the project, and why you're doing it, community service project proposal essay.
Make sure you let them know who is going to benefit from your project. Once you have your contacts and they're on board with advertising your project, make sure you stick to your schedule.
Send out press releases at the appropriate time.
Proposal Essay Project
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blogger.com is the one place where you find help for all types of assignments. We write high quality term papers, sample essays, research papers, dissertations, thesis papers, assignments, book reviews, speeches, book reports, custom web content and business papers Community service projects are different from traditional community service work because they are usually focused around one event or one goal and have distinct end points. For example, you may decide to host a race to raise money and awareness for a certain disease, or you could plan a blood drive to help out after a disaster The community of gays is referred to as the LGBT community. It is a group of gays, lesbians, transgenders and bisexuals, and individuals, subcultures, organizations, as well as different united movements, which support LGBT people
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