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For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at www. Further permissions questions can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions with employees residing in nearly 40 different countries and sales in more than countries around the world. Find your local representative at www. Purchase any of our products at your local college store or at our preferred online store www. Do not repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse; but, on the contrary, repay with a blessing.
It is for this that you were calledthat you might inherit a blessing. JONATHAN WHITE is professor of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Frederik Meijer Hon- ors College of Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan. He also served as an instructor in the Bureau of Justice Assistance, State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training program for 15 years.
He has lectured in the FBI Academy, in the Depart- ment of State Anti-Terrorism Assistance program, in all branches of the U. Armed Forces, and in law enforcement agencies throughout the world. The Founding Direc- tor of GVSUs School of Criminal Justice and former Dean of Social Science, he holds a PhD in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Michigan State University and a Master of Divinity from Western Theological Seminary.
Shifts of Meanings in History 7 The Origins of Terrorism in Western History 8 The French Revolution 9 Guerrillas and the Spanish Peninsula 9. Terrorism and Revolution in Russia, 15 The Peoples Will 15 Czar Nicholas and the Revolutions of and 16 Lenin and Trotsky Selective Terrorism and the Birth of the Irish Republic 17 The Early Irish Republican Army 19 The Easter Rising 20 The Black and Tan War, 21 Selective Terror Radicalization 29 Practical Criminology and Radicalism 29 The Process of Radicalization 30 Testing Radicalization with Recent Case Studies 32 Other Cases of Radicalization 34 Commonalities in Radicalization 36 Individual Journeys Two Views of Prison Radicalization 38 The Process of Radicalization in Prison 38 Questioning Prison Radicalization Lone Wolves 43 Small Groups as media studies coursework help Urban Terrorism 44 Guerrillas and Large Group Terrorism 47 Response to Differing Types of Terrorism Money Laundering 53 Terrorist Financing 56 Comparing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing 57 Toward a Theory of Terrorist Financing Efforts to Control Terrorist Financing 59 Regulation and Enforcement 60 Efforts by the United Nations Defining the New Media 79 Characteristics of the New Media 80 The New Media and the Internet 81 Other Aspects of the Internet The Media and Socially Constructed Reality 86 News Frames and Presentations 87 Types of Frames 87 Ambiguous Stories and News Frames 88 Neglecting the Domestic Front 88 Terrorism and Television as media studies coursework help End of the Western Monopoly on the Old News Media Issues in the Media 92 Biases in the Old Media 92 Creating Critical Reflection in the Audience Suicide Attacks: Conflicting Opinions A Theory of Suicide Terrorism Other Research on Suicide Bombing Models for Suicide Bombing Tactical Roles and Organization Tactical Considerations Overlooking Female Terrorists: A Tactical Mistake Characteristics of Ethnic and Nationalist Terrorism Three Cases of Ethnic and Nationalist Separatism Modern Terrorism in Northern Ireland The IRA and the Modern Troubles The Army and Overreaction Unionist Terrorism Negotiating a Peace Settlement in Ireland Negotiating with Terrorists Rational Political Goals and Negotiated Settlements The Basque Nation and Liberty Background The Spanish Civil War Twentieth-Century Basque Nationalism The ETA Turns to Terrorism ETA Tactics and Spanish Death Squads Reframing the Conflict The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam The Origins of Tamil Dissatisfaction Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers LTTE Tactics Fighting Renewed Government Repression after Victory Chinas Problems in Xinjiang Sikh Separatism in India Endemic Ethnic Terror in Sub-Saharan Africa Conditions in Nigeria Boko Haram and Ansaru The Centrality of Mohammeds Revelation Creating the Muslim Community at Medina The ShiiteSunni Split The Golden Age of Arabs Synopsis of Traditional Middle Eastern Issues Three Sources of Violence in the Middle East The Early Zionist Movement as media studies coursework help Palestine World War I and Contradictory Promises The Birth of Israel Arab Power Struggles and ArabIsraeli Wars The Return of Terrorism Iran Uniquely Persian British Influence and Control Prelude to the Revolution The Revolution The Call to Karbala Hezbollah: Local and International The Origins of Hezbollah Hezbollahs Operational Capabilities An Overview of Hamas Struggles for Leadership The al Aqsa Intifada Seeking Election Hamas Versus Fatah Rockets and Operation Cast Lead Unity?
Fatah Restructured: The al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Effective Tactics Leadership of the Martyrs Brigades Beginning a Network Controversial Counterterrorist Policies Bulldozing Invading Lebanon The Wall Selective Assassination Revolutionary and Counterrevolutionary Terrorism Defined Modeling Revolutionary Terrorism: Uruguays Tupamaros Urban Guerrillas Counterrevolutionary Terrorism Early Successes Tupamaro Organization Influencing Modern Terrorism Maoist Revolutionary Terrorism Perus Shining Path Naxalites of India The New Peoples Army Death Squads and Counterrevolutionaries Emphasizing the Points Summary of Chapter Objectives Key Terms Taqi al Din ibn Taymiyya Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab Sayyid Qutb Abu Musab al Suri Abu Bakr Naji When Do Jihadi Salafists Become Devout?
Al Qaeda: Degraded, as media studies coursework help, Transformed, and Franchised Major Franchises Swearing Fealty to al Qaeda Core Conflict in the Franchise: Jabhat al Nusra and ISIS The Islamic State of Iraq ISI Reborn Jabhat al Nusra ISIS ISIS and the Caliphate Conflict within the Jihad Foreign Fighters A Survey of Other Groups Lashkar-e-Taiba The Pakistani Taliban Thailand Jihadi Salafism in Indonesia Jihadi Salafism in the Philippines Racism and Terrorism Violent White Supremacy Movements Americans Most Successful Terrorist Group Contemporary Right-Wing Behavior, Beliefs, and Tactics The Turner Diaries and Hunter: Blueprints for Revolution Resurgent Violent Right-Wing Extremism Shifting from Left-Wing Violence to Single Issues The Demise of the Left The Rise of Single Issues Ecoterrorism, Animal Rights, and Genetic Engineering Antiabortion Violence Homegrown Jihadists Emphasizing the Points Summary of Chapter Objectives Key Terms The Department of Homeland Security The Department of Justice The Department of Defense The Intelligence Community State and Local Law Enforcement Building Intelligence Systems The Intelligence Process National Security and Criminal Intelligence A Checkered Past Domestic Intelligence Networks Fusion Centers Fusion Center Intelligence U.
Attorneys and JTTFs Issues in Homeland Security Law Enforcements Special Role The Role of Symbols and Structures Planning for Homeland Security Creating a Culture of Information Sharing PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH GRADE VALLEY TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT.
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TO GET STARTED As media studies coursework help WWW. White Frederik Meijer Honors College Grand Valley State University Terrorism and Homeland Security Australia Brazil Mexico Singapore United Kingdom United States Copyright Cengage Learning.
The publisher reserves the right to remove content from this title at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. Printed in the United States of America Print Number: 01 Print Year: Terrorism and As media studies coursework help Security, Ninth Edition, as media studies coursework help, Jonathan R. White Product Director: Marta Lee-Perriard Sr Product Manager: Carolyn Henderson Meier Content Developer: Christy Frame Product Assistant: Valerie Kraus Sr Marketing Manager: Jennifer Levanduski Art and Cover Direction, Production Management, as media studies coursework help, and Composition: Lumina Datamatics, as media studies coursework help, Inc.
Further permissions questions can be e-mailed to [email protected] Student Edition: ISBN: Loose-leaf Edition: ISBN: Cengage Learning 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA USA Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions with employees residing in nearly 40 different countries and sales in more than countries around the world. Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Ltd. To learn more about Cengage Learning Solutions, visit www.
Dedicated to: Gabe and Sam, my buddies for life, Do not repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse; but, on the contrary, repay with a blessing. iv ABOUT THE AUTHOR JONATHAN WHITE is professor of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Frederik Meijer Hon- ors College of Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan.
v PA R T 1 Terrorism in Historical and Social Contexts 1 1 The Shifting Definition of Terrorism 2 2 Practical Criminology, as media studies coursework help, Radicalization, and Types of Terrorism 25 3 Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering 52 4 Terrorism and the Media 78 5 Force Multipliers, Gender Roles, and Tactics PA R T 2 International Terrorism: National and Ethnic Movements 6 Long-Term Separatist Terrorism 7 Nationalistic and Endemic Terrorism 8 Background to the Middle East 9 Terrorism in Israel and Palestine PA R T 3 International Terrorism: Ideological and Religious Movements 10 Revolutionary and Counterrevolutionary Terrorism 11 Jihadist Networks PA R T 4 Domestic Terrorism and Homeland Security as media studies coursework help Domestic Terrorism 13 An Introduction to Homeland Security 14 Organizing Homeland Security 15 Homeland Security and Constitutional Issues 16 Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, and the Future BRIEf CONTENTS Copyright Cengage Learning.
vii CONTENTS P R E FA C E x v i i PA R As media studies coursework help 1 Terrorism in Historical and Social Contexts 1 1 The Shifting Definition ofTerrorism 2 Difficulties with Definitions 3 Definitions Influenced by Social Context 3 The Importance of Defining Terrorism 4 Attempts to Define Terrorism 5 Definitions and Policy 5 An Insurmountable Problem?
xii ConTEnTs An Overview of Hamas Struggles for Leadership The al Aqsa Intifada Seeking Election Hamas Versus Fatah Rockets and Operation Cast Lead Unity? ConTEnTs xiii 11 Jihadist Networks Jihadi Salafism Militant Scholars and Strategists Taqi al Din ibn Taymiyya Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab Sayyid Qutb Abu Musab al Suri Abu Bakr Naji When Do Jihadi Salafists Become Devout? Attorneys and JTTFs Issues in Homeland Security Law Enforcements Special Role The Role of Symbols and Structures Planning for Homeland Security Creating a Culture of Information Sharing Previous Post Discussion on How Many People In the Society Have Developed A Fatalistic Towards Life, as media studies coursework help.
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